Monday, October 13, 2008

Revival with the Quesenberrys

It was an honor to have Bro. Quesenberry and his family here at Calvary Chapel. Their enthusiasm for the things of God was refreshing.
We were truly ministered to as a family and congregation. Thank You Quesenberrys!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Armed and Dangerously Happy!

My boys have been moving into man-hood for some time.

I feel like a helpless spectator, all I can do is watch.

They were finally able to purchase a 12GA Remington shot gun and a cross bow.

Bro. Tom Rhoads will be taking them hunting this year and I'll be taking them to the Lord.

Learning to let go...Rachael

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pray for my father!

Please pray for my (Rachael's) father. He was diagnosed several years ago with lung cancer and just today he was told the cancer has spread to the brain. Pray that God would strengthen him during this difficult time and keep His eyes on Jesus regardless of the circumstances.